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Do You Compare Your Body To Other Bodies?
You see a picture of someone on Instagram and you can't help but feel bad about yourself. Why does she have such perfect hair, how did...
How Self-Love Can Improve Your Relationships
“how you love yourself is how you teach others to love you” ― Rupi Kaur Self-love describes how you feel about and treat yourself....
Is Working from Home Good or Bad for Our Health?
Just over two years ago, many of us were suddenly forced to work from home. We had no choice. We had to make it work. We had to turn our...
5 Tools to Manage Imposter Syndrome
Have you ever felt as though you didn't deserve something in your life or that you are a "fraud"? Maybe you feel that you just "blagged...
How Do I Know if I have Binge Eating Disorder?
Many people seek out help for weight loss thinking that they just don't have the "willpower" to control their food-choices or that they...
The 7 Types Of Inner Critic
Deep within all of us resides a harsh and critical voice. A voice that can talk down to us, make us feel bad about ourselves and...
You can be in a room full of people and still feel lonely...
Have you ever felt lonely whilst being surrounded by lots of people? - Perhaps you are around people that you just don't feel accepted by...
5 Tools to Help Improve Your Body Image
Body image is really just the image that we have of our bodies in our mind and just like those mirrors in a circus that can distort our...
Things to remember after you see a photo of yourself that makes you feel down...
Have you ever had a friend or family member share a picture of you from a wedding, party, event, gathering and then felt really bad about...
Why mandatory calorie labels may be harmful to some...
This week in the UK, new legislation has come into force requiring calorie labels on food listed on menus. Any business with more than...
How To Boost Your Confidence Through Self-Compassion
Have you ever wondered why some people seem to be just so confident? You may have asked yourself – “how do they believe in themselves so...
What causes hypothalamic amenorrhea?
Have you noticed that you are no longer getting your period or only have very light bleeding/ spotting? Are you finding that you feel...
What do you wish your doctor had done/said to help you with your relationship with food?
This week is National Eating Disorders Awareness Week and the theme for the week is ensuring that all health professionals receive...
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