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Why Am I Being So Negative?
“There is a magnificent, beautiful, wonderful painting in front of you! It is intricate, detailed, a painstaking labor of devotion and...
Evening Bingeing: Why It Happens and How to Stop
You've been "good" all day, sticking to your plan and feeling confident. But as evening approaches, an urge hits you, and once you start...
Body image during pregnancy and postpartum
“It’s really an awakening — when you get pregnant and have a child — that the female body is the most amazing machine imaginable.” — ...
Gentle reminders for when someone's diet triggers you
"How to get a bikini body: 1. Put a bikini on your body." It is that time of year again. Everyone is getting their body "bikini-ready". ...
A simple tool to change your relationship with food
Think about someone you love and truly care about. Perhaps focus on someone that you could be responsible for taking care of - your son...
How Do You Feel About Your Body?
How do you feel about your body? Are you in awe of how it does so much for you every day? Do you love and value your body for allowing...
Do worries about food or your body dominate your thoughts?
Maybe you wake up and the first thing you worry about is what you are going to eat that day. Perhaps you spend a lot of your time feeling...
How Unhelpful Perfectionism can Stand in the way of Self Love
“Good enough is good enough. Perfect will make you a big fat mess every time.” ― Rebecca Wells Do you feel a lot of pressure to achieve...
Do you wish your body looked how it used to?
“If we make self-love or body acceptance conditional, the truth is, we will never be happy with ourselves. The reality is that our bodies...
How your relationship with your body affects your food choices
“You can’t hate yourself happy. You can’t criticize yourself thin. You can’t shame yourself worthy. Real change begins with self-love and...
Am I bingeing because I have no willpower?
“I realized that I couldn’t knowingly look to food for a way out when it had so clearly led me here. It wasn’t hunger that beckoned me to...
Tools to help manage anxiety
We all feel anxious sometimes. Anxiety is a perfectly natural and normal reaction to a stressful situation, any sort of uncertainty, or...
Can your relationships affect your food choices?
We've all been there before... - You had eaten such delicious and nourishing food all day and were really pleased at how you'd avoiding...
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