Why are evenings always the worst?...The mornings are great – I plan so well, Always some healthy eggs and avocado, Lunchtime is good too I’m always so prepared, Maybe some...
Mindful EatingHow often do you just sit and eat ... I mean without also trying to watch TV, work, walk, take a train somewhere, browse Google ...at the...
I eat because...I eat because... I’m angry, I eat because I’m sad, I eat because I’m fat anyway (so what’s the point - I might as well be bad)... and...
Why can she eat whatever she wants and stay so thin?...It must be her metabolism, right? I go on juice fasts, starve myself, count calories, weigh myself every day… but I only seem to get...
Is this what is really stressing you out?...“I hate my boss” - “I have too much work to do” – “I wish I hadn’t had that fight with my boyfriend/husband” – “Mary is so selfish these...
I will start my diet…TOMORROWI will start my diet tomorrow/on Monday/once I’ve moved house/once my birthday has passed/once things are calmer at work…which basically...
Why You Can’t Treat Obesity with Just a Diet Plan or Nutrition AdviceWould you tell a drug addict to just “lower their cocaine intake” or to just “take ecstasy in moderation” – put them in an environment...