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Why Do I Feel Out Of Control Around Food?
You are so successful in so many areas of your life. When it comes to your work, you are more motivated than most - you are really...
Are you eating away your feelings?
Have you every felt sad, anxious, stressed, lonely... and then turned to food for a way to feel better? Perhaps you are feeling down...
400 calorie meals... 2500 calorie binge...
Does this sound familiar? - You are really GOOD throughout the day. Perhaps you have a 400 calorie breakfast, a 400 calorie lunch, a 400...
Does the taste or texture of certain foods make you feel uncomfortable?
Have you ever heard of ARFID? ARFID stands for avoidant restrictive food intake disorder. ARFID has only been recently recognised as an...
Does your worth come from the outside or the inside?
How often do you wonder what other people might think of - your work, your body, your outfit, what you are saying, your dancing etc...? ...
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